like crazy中文什么意思

发音:   用"like crazy"造句
发狂似地, 发疯似的, 拼命地
  • like:    adj. (more like, m ...
  • crazy:    adj. 1.摇晃不稳的,破烂的(船 ...
  • crazy like a fox:    装疯; 装模作样
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  1. This kinda product sells like crazy on foreign markets
  2. My aunt and uncle loved each other like crazy
  3. The boy answered , " now we run like crazy !
    男孩回答到: “现在我们要飞快地跑掉! ”
  4. The guns and noise . the baby ' s kicking like crazy
  5. I begged my mother like crazy ever since i was ten


  1. with great speed or effort or intensity; "drove like crazy"; "worked like hell to get the job done"; "ran like sin for the storm cellar"; "work like thunder"; "fought like the devil"
    同义词:like hell, like mad, like sin, like thunder, like the devil, like hell, like mad, like sin, like thunder, like the devil
  2. with great speed or effort or intensity; "drove like crazy"; "worked like hell to get the job done"; "ran like sin for the storm cellar"; "work like thunder"; "fought like the devil"
    同义词:like hell, like mad, like sin, like thunder, like the devil, like hell, like mad, like sin, like thunder, like the devil


  1. like compared with like 什么意思
  2. like computers refuse to understand 什么意思
  3. like concretion 什么意思
  4. like coral in colour pink or red 什么意思
  5. like counting a million stars 什么意思
  6. like cures like 什么意思
  7. like dislike 什么意思
  8. like doing 什么意思
  9. like drawing 什么意思
  10. like draws to like 什么意思


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